How Much Does Bankrutpcy Cost?

 Bankruptcy fees can be broken down into three costs: The Attorney Fee, Court Filing fee and The Class Fees. Some attorneys charge for other things like mailing and credit reports. We charge flat fees that are all inclusive so you know from the start what this entire process with cost you.

Our fees are due before we can file your case. Attorney fees are discharged in Bankruptcy so we would be violating Federal Law if we collect on you after we file your case. You are welcome to make payments to us. This can help keep creditors from bugging you.

  • Personal Chapter 7

    This fee is based on your income. It is a flat fee which includes the court fee of $338, our fee and the class fees. This fee is the same for an individual and for married couples.

    If you only receive Social Security as your income source, your fee is $1600.00.

    If you make less than the average family of your size, your fee is $1800.00. (Below Median Debtor)

    If you make more than the average family of your size, your fee is $2000.00 (Above Median Debtor)

  • Chapter 13

    These fees are established by our Judge. Most attorneys charge the same amount. You are responsible for the filing fee of $313 in addition to our fee. Your class fees are built into the attorney fees. We will give you a code to pay for them. Chapter 13 fees are mostly paid out over the life of the plan (3-5 years). You only have to pay $1000 to file the case ($687 of our fee and $313 court fee). The balance will be paid over the next 3-5 years.

    Western District of Oklahoma- $4000 Attorney fee.

    Eastern District of Oklahoma- $4500 Attorney Fee.

    Northern District of Oklahoma- $4000 Attorney Fee.

  • Business Chapter 7

    Business cases are difficult to give a set fee as there are a lot of issues that can come up. Our fees generally range from $2500-$9500 depending on your needs. Please call for a free consultation and to get a quote.